Quantum Quarrel
Quantum Quarrel is a social deduction based multiplayer FPS by Unseelie Collective, involving a cast of characters from all across time. I am one of the character concept artists for the game, having created a variety of different designs, going from initial concepts to finalised illustrations for each one.
'Kosmonaut', based upon Cold War era astronauts and imagery from retro science fiction.
Kosmonaut Final Illustration
Kosmonaut Design Process
'Greenwich', based upon prohibition-era jazz artists, such as Gladys Bentley and Josephine Baker.
Greenwich Final Illustration
Greenwich Design Process
'Vikingr', inspired by historical vikings from Scandinavia.
Vikingr Final Illustration
Vikingr Design Process
'Nomad', inspired by Mongolian horse archers.
Nomad Final Illustration
Nomad Design Process
'Cuāuhtli', inspired by elite Eagle Warriors of the ancient Aztec civilisation.
Cuāuhtli Final Illustration
Cuāuhtli Design Process
'Exploradore', based upon 1960's style early Arctic explorers.
Exploradore Final Illustration
Exploradore Design Process
'Bushwrangler', based upon Australian zookeepers and conservationists, such as Steve and Terri Irwin.